COVID19 Pandemic Information
Podiatry is a medical appointment as podiatrists are registered with the HCPC and as such follow advice from Public Health England and The Royal College of Podiatry, that requires mask wearing in clinic at all times and has not changed with recent government advice. PLEASE ENSURE YOUR MASK IS IN PLACE WHEN ATTENDING YOUR APPOINTMENT.
The Podiatry Foot Clinic is a COVID safe area. We have taken the following precautions for your safety.
- Everyone attending is required to wear a mask as it is not possible to socially distance when giving a podiatry treatment, this is to protect the patient and the clinician.
- You will be given antibacterial/antiviral hand sanitiser to use on entering the clinic.
- The appointments are spaced out so that patients do not come into contact with each other.
- Please attend alone, unless the patient is a child or they have a carer that needs to attend.
- Patients are asked to wait in the car until 5 minutes before their appointment time to allow the clinician to sanitise the room and write notes.
- Please use a contactless payment method if possible, but do have your PIN number with you as the card machine sometimes asks for the PIN, or you can pay directly into our bank account.
- If you have any signs or symptoms of COVID or feel unwell do not attend. Early signs and symptoms of COVID are headache, sore throat, cold, and tiredness, before other symptoms develop, ie persistent new cough, loss of smell or taste, high temperature resolves quickly and 60% of COVID19 patients do not report a fever, if in doubt stay at home and call the clinic or cancel via the link on your appointment confirmation email. Please do not attend with any infectious or contagious illness, whether or not you have tested negative.
- Stay at home if you are self isolating for any reason and cancel your appointment as soon as you know you are unable to attend.